Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nursing Research Paper - Leukemia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing - Leukemia - Research Paper Example Introduction The word leukemia is derived from the Greek words leukos and aima, which stand for ‘white blood.’ Leukemia is a form of blood and bone marrow cancer and it points to an abnormal production and multiplication of white blood cells (leukocytes) in a person’s body. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and they divide to form new body cells according to the requirements of the body (there is the dying of old cells and new cells have to replace them). In a person suffering from leukemia, the DNA of immature white blood cells somehow becomes damaged and they grow and divide chaotically. The old cells do not die and there is rapid division of body cells – more and more cells are produced in the body taking up more and more space and cancer problem arises. Simply put, the bad cells in the blood crowd out the good cells (Nordqvist, 2009). History of Leukemia Ancient Greeks discovered leukemia way back in the 4th or 5th century BC. However, John Hu ghes Benett officially diagnosed it in Edinburgh in the year 1845. In the 19th century, some physicians from Europe further realized that a number of of their patients were suffering from peculiarly high white blood cells levels. They termed this condition 'weisses blut', meaning â€Å"white blood†. In the year 1913, leukemia was categorized into four types namely acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia (Erythroleukemia) and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Further, in the year 1970, it was proven that there was cure for leukemia, and by 1980s and 1990s, roughly 70% of patients suffering from leukemia had been cured. This brought high hopes to all patients suffering from leukemia globally. For ages, people have been fighting with cancer, the only difference being that they were not aware of the details of what they were battling (Johnson, 2011). Treatment options Just like the information concerning leukemia has changed with time, the treatment options available for the patients have also changed. The earliest treatment option administered to leukemia patients was arsenic. Generally known in the West as a poison, arsenic has been used to treat leukemia and such conditions as psoriasis and syphilis in traditional Chinese medicine for almost two thousand years. It has been proven to have a considerable anti-cancer effect for leukemia although the mechanism for this effect has remained unknown till recently when scientists in China found out that it targets proteins which contribute to cancer cells’ growth (Edwards, 2010). (2011) records that arsenic is still used in the treatment of some types of leukemia and that it has proved very successful. In the early 20th century, radiation therapy replaced arsenic (Johnson, 2011). Scientists found out that exposure to radiation decreases the cancerous tumors on patients in size. Radiation is still a very common and a very effective treatme nt option for leukemia, as well as other cancer types. However, it has several side effects that a patient needs to take into consideration (, 2011). Other modern/recent treatment options for leukemia include biological therapy or immunotherapy, chemotherapy surgery and bone marrow transplants. Biological therapy/immunotherapy has to do with treatment

Monday, October 28, 2019

When I was a Certified Nursing Assist Essay Example for Free

When I was a Certified Nursing Assist Essay I first wanted to be a Certified Nursing Assist (CNA) at the age 16. I had to do community service for Graffiti. I was given a job as an activity assistant at a nursing home. I enjoyed it so much! The people there are so much fun to work with. The best part about it was being able to help them read the paper, play bingo, or whatever they wanted to do. Once a lady and her sister were pushing chairs down the hallway and I asked â€Å"what are you doing?† They told me they were taking a train ride to see their father for his birthday. It made me feel sad because I had to explain to them that they were going the wrong way, so I helped them back to their room. Once there, I explained to them that they lived here at the nursing home and were not going anywhere. It was at that moment, I wanted to really be in the nursing field to be able to make a positive impression on someone else’s life. I have found that being passionate and having empathy are some important traits to have as a CNA you it help you understand better as to why they might feel some different emotions in the new environment. Since residents have many nurses taking care of them it can make them feel anxious, sad, or depressed. Being responsible by using your gait belt can ensure safety or resident and yourself. A typical day for a CNA would start at 6 am. We would report to the charge nurse and get a report. Then, about 6:15, one would prepare a linen cart for their hall. Between 6:30-8, we start getting residents up and showered and bathed. We answer call lights between residents when we have time, as we’re taking residents to and from breakfast. As residents are coming back from breakfast, we are laying some down or changing them. CNA’s take a 15 min break around 9:15. After our break, we come back and answer call lights, take residents to therapy or activities, and do vitals or weigh the resident for the day. We continue to toilet people and give showers to those that did not get showered before breakfast. By 10:30 most CNA’s take a 30 min lunch. We come back at 11 to get people up that are in bed and change those who need to be changed; by noon all resident should be at lunch. At 12:30 the residents should be coming back from lunch. We would toilet those that want to stay up and take them to afternoon activities. And lay down ones that need to be laid down then answer call lights. CNA’s take their last 15 min break around 1:15 When we come back at 1:30 everyone should be taken care of. Then, we check our rooms to ensure safety and make sure everyone has been changed and toileted. At 2pm, we should be finishing up and giving reports to the next CNA and charting for the day. By 2:30 you should be ready to go home. In 2011, I worked at a nursing home. I cared for individuals who had Alzheimer, who had injuries that required Occupational Therapy, who permanently resided there. When we first get to work, we would report to the Registered Nurse (R.N) and then get our supplies ready for our shift. Afterwards, we would prepare clothes and help one get dressed for the day. After one was dressed and beds were made, we would go to the cafeteria and have breakfast. There would be individuals who needed assistance eating and drinking so we would find someone who needed help. Once breakfast was done, we would help everyone get back to their rooms and assist with restroom breaks, change and get them relaxed, or take them to the next activity. I would get my 10-12 residents vitals and report it to the R.N. on my hall. At 11:30, it’s lunch time, so we get everyone to the cafeteria and assist as needed. Between the 8 hour shifts, we give showers to the residents. We sometimes use a Hoyer lift and always wear our gait belt to help us lift the resident to ensure safety. It is very cumbersome to work as a CNA. The people are so sweet and we have the best of times! After lunch, we continue activities and showers. After the CNA’s take a break, we come back, and check our residents and change them. At the end of the day we clean our area and report back to the R.N. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to being a CNA. First, being patient with the resident is important because they are delicate. Since most of the residents are older in age, they cannot move as fast and their skin gets thinner with age and disease. Making sure you have ample time with each resident is a MUST! If you don’t make time then you could hurt someone or yourself. Another advantage to being a CNA is the pay, normally one is paid at least $10 an hour or more if you are part time nurse (PRN) or as needed you could get paid as much as 1 5-20 and hr. Stability is important because you really get to know your job and you’ll be the best to your ability. Working in the nursing field you have lots of job opportunities to meet and get to know people. Most places offer benefits for you and your family. Such as health, dental, and other benefits as well. Some disadvantages to working as a CNA, are standing on your feet for long periods of time and lifting pe ople all day. It can cause you to have back aches and swollen ankles. Dealing with death is another disadvantage because you really get to know your residents and it is like having a close friend die. It can take a toll on one. Family can be difficult as well. Being that some family members have taken care of their loved one, they have a schedule and like it to be kept but when the environment changes things seem to change. One last disadvantage I’d like to add, is nursing homes and hospitals are always understaffed which means a lot of overtime and pressure on one person so try your best to stay focused and not to take it out on your residents. Given that I have extensive experience in the medical field, I have found that you can make an awesome CNA if you listen to your charge nurse and follow all policies and regulations that are in your scope of nurse assist practice. If you are not sure of something, ask your Director of nursing (DON). The residents look to CNA’s as Angels of Mercy, so try your absolute best to always put them first. Have respect and show consideration of their belongings.You would not want someone coming to your house and going through your belongings or mistreating you.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay -- Jane

Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre The nineteenth century Victorian era woman needed wealth or position to avoid a life of drudgery.   Women were viewed as trophies or possessions men owned.   They were not permitted to develop nor expected to, and even venturing out on their own was considered inappropriate.   During the era in which Jane Eyre was published the home and family were seen as the basic unit of stability in society.   At the middle of this foundation stood a wife and mother representing the sum total of all morality - a Madonna-like image.   This image was reinforced by social institutions such as mainstream religious and political beliefs.   Women were steered away from independence, confidence, and self-fulfillment and steered toward an existence of submission, dependence, and ignorance.   They were expected to be beautiful and silent.   This is why the titular heroine of Bronte's novel caused such controversy when Jane Eyre was published.   Jane is plain and very intelligent.   She is in addition intelligent, self-confident, strong-willed and she exhibits a moral conscience.   Jane is atypical of women of her era in that she trusts in her own decision-making abilities and, furthermore, unlike most women of the era has the freedom to make them. To get ahead as a woman in Jane's era, one had to have wealth, position, family or friends.   Jane, an orphan, has none of these.   Her family and friends only serve as reminders of what she does not have.   They view her o... ...ronte 133).   In this manner we see why Jane Eyre caused such controversy upon publication.   It is basically Bronte's criticism of Victorian society with respect to its oppression and perspective of women.   Bronte understood to adopt such limitations was certain death, at best an unendurable hell for a woman of intelligence and passion.   As such, her heroine must endure hell to discover the route to personal fulfillment and freedom.   As she does so, she sets a new definition of what women are capable.   This is why the novel and its heroine were so shocking to Victorian audiences who considered women pretty objects to admire more than human beings in their own right. WORKS   CITED Bronte, Charlotte.   Jane Eyre.   New York: Bantam Books, 1981.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Miranda Warning :: essays research papers

The Miranda Warning For the past decade, many Right Wing organizations have sort to change many of the laws, governing our rights and freedom. These laws were passed by congress and upheld by the Supreme Court. The Miranda Warning is one of these laws. The Miranda Warning is intended to protect the guilty as well as the innocent and should be protected at all costs. Without the law, many suspects may be treated unfairly. It is a necessary safeguard. Miranda is a ruling which says that the accused have the right to remain silent and prosecutors may not use statements made by them while in police custody, unless the police advice them of their rights. In other words, a police officer must inform a suspect of this fundamental right, under the Fifth Amendment, at the time of their arrest and or interrogation. Miranda protect ignorant suspects from incriminating themselves. Miranda also protects suspects from overzealous police officers. Although most law-enforcement agents in the United States are decent men and women, some abuse their power. They may try to coerce suspects into giving false confessions. Time and time again, we read of cases where suspects were forced to make confessions because an overzealous or prejudiced police officers want to close a case. The story of Rubin Hurricane Carter, made popular by the motion picture of the same name, demonstrated how lives could be destroyed when vindictive and manipulating detectives abuse their power. The Miranda Warning helps keep abuses in check. If the law is used correctly, the guilty would receive their due punishment. When police officers inform suspects of their rights before interrogation, it is very unlikely that the judge presiding over any case would throw out statements made during questioning. Many high ranking law enforcement agents around the country support the Miranda Warning rule because it is a necessary safeguard; it helps and does not hinders the judicial process. William J. Bratton former police commissioner for the New York City Police Department said, "Miranda works at a minimal social cost. The Supreme Court should reaffirm a decision that has served this country well." I believe that the Miranda warning protects all citizens, guilty and innocent, victim and perpetrator, from unscrupulous officers. The law was designed to insure that the statement given is voluntary and not extracted by force or coercion. Many courts including the Supreme Court have made thousands of decisions using the Miranda ruling without any indication that the law was unconstitutional or benefit criminals.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Planning in Early Childhood

The observation of children is performed by teachers and educators, to help understand each child, and their characteristics. Along with assessment and evaluation, educators are able to understand each child’s development, and make decisions about appropriate activities and experience to offer each child, to help foster their individual development. (Veale, A. and Piscitelli, B. 1988) This essay will discuss the Value of the Observation Process in Planning for early childhood settings, and the role of each teacher in facilitating children’s individual learning and development. Observation is a very valuable and important part of the planning process as each child is different. Observation and Record Keeping in Early Childhood Programs (Veale, A. and Piscitelli, B. 1988,) Suggests that in order for educators to provide proper learning experience for children, they must know each child’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, fears, joys, ideas and individual interests to plan stimulating and appropriate learning experiences. Through observation, Educators can gather this information on what each child is capable of, how each child behaves under a range of different circumstances and how the child interacts with other children, and adults. The information collected from observation helps educators to develop objectives and plans to â€Å"enhance children’s learning and development† (Planning and Learning, NZTC pg. 5). Effective Planning and developing of learning outcomes for children is a collaborated effort between colleagues, children, Parents/Whanau and the community. DOP 6 outlines that importance of collaboration between colleagues when it comes to forming an effective plan in the early childhood environment. Open relationships and free discussions amongst each other empowers educators to become reflective practitioners and to understand different perspectives (MoE, 1998) By collaborating with parents/ Whanau educators can increase their understanding of the child’s â€Å"thinking and learning, parents and carers become wiser about the child† (Stonehouse, cited in Hanna, 2006, p. 3) and planning becomes more effective and purposeful for the child. Te Whariki states under the principle of Family and Community, â€Å"The wellbeing of children is interdependent with the well-being and culture of local communities and neighborhoods. Children’s learning and development are fostered it the well-being of their family and community is supported. †(MoE, 1996, p. 42) Society is constantly changing, and children grow and change with the community, so educators need to plan for the growth and change. And most importantly the children need to be considered while planning. Children are individuals and their voice needs to be heard. Educators need to be aware of the child’s capabilities, interests and learning needs to provide efficient learning activities that will be effective and enjoyable for the child. â€Å"The purpose of assessment is to give useful information about children’s learning and development to the adults providing the program and to children and their families. † (MoE, 1996 pg. 9) Assessment of the effectiveness of the program and keeping track of the child’s development helps educators to make decisions so effective changes can be made as needed to help the child’s personal progress and learning objectives. Likewise with planning, assessment needs to consider the changes in the community, consider the needs of the child and the parents/whanau to be the most effective for the child’s learning. Evaluation is the final step in the on-going planning of children’s learning. The purpose of evaluation is to make informed judgments about the quality and effectiveness of the program. † (MoE, 1996 Pg. 29) Evaluation is a crucial part of the planning process as it gives educators a chance to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of their program planning and to be better informed for future planning. Educators need to use a range of methods to evaluate the program. This can be done by reflections, regularly updating what works well and monitoring effectiveness, consulting with patents/whanau, and most importantly making appropriate changes. Educators hold the important role of supporting and facilitating each child’s development, one method of facilitating for the child is by recognizing and providing an optimal learning environment. An optimal learning environment is a safe environment specifically designed to facilitate a child’s learning and developmental needs. Educators need to provide time and opportunity for children to respond and experience the world creatively, it also needs to offer exposure to a variety of experience, to be secure and offer stimulating experiences so children can take risks and investigate the world around them safely. Olds (2001) suggests that children need to feel comfortable in their environment for them to explore. Educators need to be vigilant in making sure that each individuals needs are met so the child feels safe and comfortable in the learning environment. Creating an optimal learning environment means educators need to consider the aspects that create this environment. Harris Helm suggests that the overall effectiveness of an early childhood program is dependant on quality of staff, suitable environment, consistent schedules and parent involvement. Another aspect educators need to consider while facilitating learning is the importance of the interpersonal environment. â€Å"Interpersonal environment refers to the relationships established in the environment. † (Planning and Learning, NZTC, 2009, pg 49. ) Educators need to provide an environment that will allow children to learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people (MoE, 1996). Children must feel comfortable safe and secure in order to engage in efficient and meaningful learning. Fu (2004) believes that establishing supportive, responsive relationships with children and parents/whanau helps with the development of knowledge, social skills and attitudes and reinforces learning. Building a relationship with the child and their family will help educators to have a clear understanding of the child’s development and the holistic needs of the child. Educators need to engage in constant interactions with parents to gain proper insight into the child’s individual beliefs, rituals, preference and values, so to build a personal and meaningful relationship with the child. Relationships are the heart of learning. By Building a close relationship with the child allows educators to respond sensitively to each child’s needs. By building this Positive and sensitive relationships, research has shown that it enhance a child’s development and is the base of early childhood education. Vygotsky social constructive theory of the Zone of Proximal Development can effectively help educators with providing the best support and to develop strategies to assist the learning and development of the children. The Zone of Proximal Development is described by Vygotsky as â€Å"the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peer† (L. S. Vygotsky, p. 86) Vygotsky observed that when an individual was tested on tasks alone, they rarely did as well as when they were working in collaboration with an adult. The process of involvement by the adult enabled them to refine their thinking or their performance to make it more effective. James Atherton, 2009) by observing a child, educators can observe what a child needs individually, find out what is changeling for the child and work collaboratively alongside with the child and develop strategies to help further the child’s learning. From this theory the teaching strategy of Co-construction was developed. Con-construction is described as a â€Å"collabora tive process from which new understanding and concepts emerge. (Planning and Learning NZTC, 2009, Pg. 39)By collaborating together to find new understanding and concepts between the child, peers, and adults can develop strategies to offer new ideas and concepts to activities. Educators have the important role of providing a co-constructive environment by listening to the child, playing with the child, and have an active participation in their learning, to help develop a child’s interests in learning further. Educators also need to encourage children â€Å"to share what they think and know† (Planning and Learning, NZTC, 2009, pg. 39) . â€Å"Planning the curriculum should be a continuing process, involving careful observation, identification of needs and capabilities, provision of resources, assessment and evaluation† (MoE, 1996, p. 8) Observation, planning, assessment, and evaluation is an ongoing process that must be part of a daily routine. Every educator will be different in how they plan, but thru collaboration with colleagues, parents/whanau, the child, and consideration of the community will help educators to plan as effectively as they can for each individual and help them to grow and improve, and learn how to provide children with the best possible environment to learn and develop in.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Affirmitive Action

Affirmative Action is absurd. If a white male, who was five feet tall, tried out for the Los Angeles Lakers, would the government have the right to tell the team’s owner that he had to sign the player, simply because traditionally there has been a higher percentage of blacks than whites in the game of basketball? Of course not, that would be totally wrong. Playing on a professional sports team is based on talent and merit, and thus it should be with every other profession. In fact, according to the NIF booklet on this topic, the majority of affirmative action policies do not target the lower-class minorities that actually need help breaking into the workforce. Instead, middle-class minorities and women, who have had relatively the same educational opportunities as white middle-class males, are given preference. While the government should make sure that discriminatory hiring practices are not used, it should not give an unfair advantage to equally qualified students or applica nts simply because of their race or gender. The only viable way to create a truly equitable society is to expand programs that give assistance to the economically disadvantaged. Though these measures, the lower-class, which has traditionally been composed of a large percentage of minorities, will be able to compete fairly with white males for educational and employment opportunities. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said that people should be judged â€Å"not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†. This statement is true in every aspect of American society. Morally, discrimination is wrong whatever the color of a person’s skin. No matter what advocates of affirmative action say, it does discriminate against certain people. Usually those people are wealthy white males; however, lower-class white males are also discriminated against under the guise of affirmative action. People should only be judged for employment or educational opportun... Free Essays on Affirmitive Action Free Essays on Affirmitive Action Affirmative Action is absurd. If a white male, who was five feet tall, tried out for the Los Angeles Lakers, would the government have the right to tell the team’s owner that he had to sign the player, simply because traditionally there has been a higher percentage of blacks than whites in the game of basketball? Of course not, that would be totally wrong. Playing on a professional sports team is based on talent and merit, and thus it should be with every other profession. In fact, according to the NIF booklet on this topic, the majority of affirmative action policies do not target the lower-class minorities that actually need help breaking into the workforce. Instead, middle-class minorities and women, who have had relatively the same educational opportunities as white middle-class males, are given preference. While the government should make sure that discriminatory hiring practices are not used, it should not give an unfair advantage to equally qualified students or applica nts simply because of their race or gender. The only viable way to create a truly equitable society is to expand programs that give assistance to the economically disadvantaged. Though these measures, the lower-class, which has traditionally been composed of a large percentage of minorities, will be able to compete fairly with white males for educational and employment opportunities. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said that people should be judged â€Å"not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†. This statement is true in every aspect of American society. Morally, discrimination is wrong whatever the color of a person’s skin. No matter what advocates of affirmative action say, it does discriminate against certain people. Usually those people are wealthy white males; however, lower-class white males are also discriminated against under the guise of affirmative action. People should only be judged for employment or educational opportun...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Sociology Self and Society

Essay on Sociology Self and Society Essay on Sociology: Self and Society Essay on Sociology: Self and Society  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The issue regarding the role of appearance and beauty in contemporary society has been widely discussed in academic literature and the mass media sources. Beauty is not only biologically programmed to function in human representation, but also it is culturally constructed to address the culture of human societies (DeMello, 2007).   It has been found that human character can be better understood if there is a reflection of one’s sense of identity that can be found in the way an individual is dressed or how he/she behaves (Finkelstein, 2013). Psychologists state that there are many significant physical features that â€Å"both men and women are programmed to find beautiful, including smooth skin, thick shiny hair, and symmetrical faces and bodies† (DeMello, 2007, p. 28). Most people would agree with the fact that appearances could be created to impress others. For example, â€Å"dressing a fter a particular fashion is done in order to convey a certain impression†( Finkelstein, 2013, p. 1). Beauty is not an isolated quality, according to Plato, as beauty and appearance are associated with goodness. However, in some cases, the increased attention to beauty and appearance leads to the violation of effective functioning of the value system. Thesis statement: The emphasis on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies reflects and promotes a distorted system of value because inner beauty is often ignored by the individuals, who highlight the role of appearance in social interactions.The major goal of this paper is to discuss whether the emphasis on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies reflects and promotes a distorted system of value. In order to achieve the established goal it is necessary to discuss the role of appearance and beauty in contemporary society, the nature of the distorted system of value and the relationship between appearance and beauty and the accepted system of values.The role of appearance and beauty in contemporary societyAppearance and beauty play an important role in contemporary society because any individual can be judged by appearance, based on the fact that â€Å"the true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible† (Wilde, 2009, p. 49). The importance of beauty is learned by an individual from the early age. The values of society regarding the role of appearance and beauty cannot be kept from children who realize that unattractive men and women cannot become movie stars or leaders. Children are taught to accept the cult of beauty because parents and teachers are obsessed by the existing system of valuing human worth. In fairy tales, ugly characters are always wicked and ill-natured or unhappy because of the lack of outer beauty.Some people believe that outer beauty is a reflection of inner beauty because those people, who are in love, always look beautiful and attractive. In ancient cu ltures, the definition of beauty differed from modern cultures. Both men and women grow older and their beauty is said to grow with their age. This fact means that wisdom that comes with age can be valued as a deeper or inner beauty. According to researchers, â€Å"in today’s society looking good is more important than you would think†(Edom, 2011, p. 134). Psychologists point out to the fact that physical appearance does matter because it is associated with the traits of personality that influence human interaction and treatment. According to psychologist Nancy Etcoff, attractive people are â€Å"perceived as being nicer, smarter and more sociable,† and â€Å"more competent and moral than unattractive people† (qtd. in Edom, 2011, p. 134).The propaganda of the beauty ideal can be found in the mass media sources. In recent years, practically every newspaper, magazine and the Internet sources highlight the significance of appearance and beauty, providing pic tures of â€Å"enlarged breasts, whittled down waists, wrinkle-free foreheads, pumped up lips, reduced vaginas, etc† (Edom, 2011, p. 134).In addition, today everybody knows that human face is a reflection of beauty. Face can be perceived in different ways: â€Å"as a mask in social interaction,† â€Å"the face as art: makeup and plastic surgery† and â€Å"the face as battlefield: a source of ideological controversy† (Synott, 1989, p. 55). Face cannot be ignored in the process of human interaction because the beauty of face influences the effectiveness of interaction and the significance of the self. In other words, the beauty of face can be perceived as goodness. Actually, face reflects the character of an individual, making his/her appearance more attractive. Both Aristotle and Plato supported the idea of the significance of beauty in human interactions (Synott, 1989). According to Plato, beauty is identical to success, happiness and wisdom. Thus, the be auty of human face signifies not only attractiveness, but also wisdom.Nevertheless, there are several widely accepted assumptions, such as   sayings â€Å"beauty is only skin deep†, â€Å"appearances are deceptive† and â€Å"all that glitters is not gold† (Synott, 1989, p. 55). The ideology of beauty is controversial in its nature because face can be perceived not only as mask of the self, but also as the mirror of the soul, which reflects inner beauty. It is necessary to assess the role of cosmetic surgery, which promotes the ideal of beauty (Synott, 1989).The nature of the distorted system of value  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The distorted system of value is propagated in human society. Undoubtedly, a serious damage is done to children who do not understand the difference between outer beauty and inner beauty. The distorted system of value in relation to appearance and beauty is based on improper understanding of the notion of beauty, which i ncludes outer beauty and inner beauty.   According to researchers, the human soul has the capacity not only to deal with hardships, but also to reflect inner beauty. The purity of human soul helps to maintain a positive outlook on different life circumstances, avoiding the growth of negative experiences, such as oppression and discrimination (Canfield, 2002). It is necessary to match inner and outer beauty in order to use the power over others, especially in social interactions. This fact means that is an individual does not embody the outer beauty; he/she could use the beauty of the soul to succeed in interactions.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A system of value is considered to be distorted if there is no harmony is social interactions. If the emphasis is placed on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies, the system of value will be distorted because the role of inner beauty is ignored. The distortion of moral values leads to damaged cultures and destroyed people. Today special attention is paid to the promotion of the ideal of beauty. Central role is given to moral transformation of individuals who ignore inner beauty. As a result, there are many critical responses to the promotion of cosmetic surgery, which ruins inner beauty, making people look perfect, but using face as a mask in social interaction.The relationship between appearance and beauty and the accepted system of values  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a close relationship between appearance and beauty and the accepted system of values. This relationship can be explained by individualism. People accept what is good in terms what is useful for them. Individualism is associated with selfishness, which promotes injustice in social interactions. According to Finkelstein (2013), â€Å"in the consumer culture of modern society, physical appearance has come to be seen as an important means for claiming a degree of social status† (p.2). Undoubtedly, this fact means that appearance and beauty can promote social inequality in human interactions. Many individuals are focused on using various strategies in order to improve their physical appearance. They tend to buy clothing made by world famous fashion designers, use individualized fitness programs to improve their physical forms, buy special sport equipment for home usage, attend yoga classes and follow strict diet regimes. These practices contribute to supporting the ideal of beauty, but ignore the system of values in some way. For them, physical appearance is of great importance.Certain implications of the question  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Certain implications of the question discussed in this paper are concluded in different perceptions of appearance and beauty. Some people would not agree with the fact that the emphasis on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies reflects and promotes a distorted system of value. They consider that attractiveness of oneà ¢â‚¬â„¢s own appearance cannot express real character of an individual. They believe that it is necessary to judge an individual based on his/her personality traits, no matter what appearance he/she has. According to Finkelstein (2013), â€Å"this conflation of reality with appearance has a long tradition†(p.2). Moreover, appearance can be changed by employing a variety of cosmetics and specially developed devices. In contemporary society, it is easy to use conspiracy, which helps to create artificial complexion and body shape, but overlook the real representation of one’s own character. It is very important to understand the identity of an individual’s character to avoid any misunderstandings and misperceptions.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, the ideal of beauty is changing because the elements of appearance that can be perceived as attractive are changing. According to researchers, â€Å"the same themes are reworked and re-interprete d in each age†(Synott, 1989, p.73). This fact means cultural, social and even political changes influence the perception of appearance and beauty. For example, the growth of Black Nationalism has led to the perception of â€Å"black beauty†, while the growth of feminism movement has led to the â€Å"rejection of beauty trap† (Synott, 1989, p.73). These changes can have certain implications on the established perception of the ideal of beauty.The criteria for answering the questionThe criteria assumed for answering that question are based on individual perception of appearance and beauty. It is necessary to measure the extent to which the emphasis on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies reflects and promotes a distorted system of value. For example, in the 19-th century, both appearance and an individual’s character were very important in social interaction. Finkelstein (2013) provides Samuel Well’s explanation of the process of reading an individual’s character. He states that in most cases, â€Å"appearances are deceitful† (qtd. in Finkelstein, 2013, p. 5). In other words, it is crucial to associate an individual’s character with his/her physical appearance, but observe positive and negative features.The major problems addressed by the questionThe problems the question is asking to address include the problems of inequality and injustice that occur in the process of social interaction. According to Finkelstein (2013), it is necessary to have a deep understanding of human character from personal experiences because â€Å"appearances, styles and images have become an authoritative narrative of modern social life, which has a significant influence on our habits of sociality† (p. 9). For example, those individuals who have constructed powerful social identity and effectively use beauty and attractiveness to succeed in social indications can have negative attitudes toward others.   In gener al, the problems addressed by the question that has been raised in this paper require prompt and adequate solutions. Beauty and appearance should not promote conflict between individuals through distortion of the accepted system of value.Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, it is necessary to conclude that the emphasis on appearance and beauty in contemporary societies reflects and promotes a distorted system of value. There is a close relationship between appearance and beauty and the accepted system of values because the ideology of beauty contributes to the promotion of ignorance regarding the real traits of character, making individuals selfish and self-absorbed. Individualism that is caused by the increased attention of contemporary societies to cosmetic surgery leads to the violation of the functioning of the value system.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay on Apple Corp Memo

Essay on Apple Corp Memo Essay on Apple Corp Memo To: Tim Cook, CEO Date: September 30, 2014 Re: Company strategy advisement Apple is a very innovative company and will continue to dominate the market. That is if we stay one step ahead of our competitors. As a technology company, Apple must stay innovative and not repeat same design ideas if we want to reassure investors and consumers alike that we haven’t lost our edge, and continue to dominate the market. To remain ahead of the game, you must continue what Steve Jobs has done and continue to push the level of innovation in the Apple product line. In order to do this, you need to look into expanding the product line instead of just renovating the iPad, iPhone, MacBooks, and etc. You need to introduce more models of the iPhone line along with the iPad and MacBooks that are cheaper to capture more market share. Other things you need to focus on are how to capture the Asian markets such as China, and India. Asides from just expanding and innovation, you need to surround yourself with those who share an innovative vision. Apple’s business envir onment mostly revolves around the tech industry. The tech industry is a very aggressive and competitive industry. Factors such as technology changes, social drivers, economic drivers, and other companies affect Apple’s business environment. Following the legacy of former CEO Steve Jobs, Apple's technology conference has become the industry's most highly anticipated and observed event. Expanding upon this featured marketing event, the company should host additional conferences in addition to their annual Worldwide Developers Conference that will bring together key technology leaders and insiders, as well as young technology developers from competitive educational institutions. Apple Inc. should aim to maintain its position as the leader in the industry by developing technology and information hubs directly within the world's leading research institutions (i.e. MIT, Texas A&M, Stanford University). By building Apple research infrastructures specifically within educational institutions, in addition to the company's existing R&D Departments, we will benefit from sourcing for the newest innovations amongst bright young technologists. The goal is for Apple to be at the core of a network of technology hubs that produces and sh ares its research and innovation by providing promising technologists with the relevant resources they need early in their education. These educational hubs ("Apple Labs") will enrich our existing R&D as well as allow us to develop and train a new generation of innovators that will join the company. Apple can also benefit from such an information network as an addition to the company's marketing strategy. The development of "Apple Labs" at educational and research institutions will build brand loyalty and brand recognition among young people who will appreciate the company's dedication to education and research. Students from these "Apple Labs" can be incentivized in their research by competing to present product ideas and prototypes at the newly proposed annual technology conferences that the company will host. With this technology "incubation" structure in place, Apple can ensure it will have the most direct access to new research and ideas as well as provide a competitive platform on which to share information. Apple must stay ahead of the game because of the constant technological changes. You should always try to implement the latest technologies before anyone else so that you can increase market shares. Recently, Apple is falling behind Samsung, HTC, and other smartphones because Apple has been holding back on the latest implementation of technologies. For example, with the release of the IPhone 6 and 6 plus, Apple is introducing the NFC payment system, however this technology has already been implemented on phones such as the Nexus 7 and the Samsung Galaxy phones. For the past 3 years, Apple has been releasing phones that have less specifications compared

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Integrated marketing communications plan for 1 year for small or Assignment

Integrated marketing communications plan for 1 year for small or medium business - Assignment Example Their target market is presumably young people, as they emphasise their youthfulness in all their media, emphasizing that their hierarchical structure is all people under the age of 26, and emphasizing how they want to get young people involved in their mission, and also this is shown by their concentrating their efforts at universities and schools. The weakness lies in what is brought up above – Oaktree does not make financials available. These are numbers that potential donors will look at to decide if their dollars are going to be well-spent, and with Oaktree it would be impossible to tell where donations go, because there is no information about this. As I stated above, their Facebook page is not doing Oaktree any favors either. Although Oaktree regularly posts information into the newsfeed, this information garners very little attention. Very few people comment on any of their postings, and very few people even bother to state that they like the postings. Yet they have 2,700+ followers on Facebook. I am not certain what the problem is there, but they are obviously have problems getting people interested in what they are doing. Their strengths lie in their initiatives. They knock on doors, they partner with other organisations and schools in other countries, they fundraise as part of a global effort. These are all good. Their goals are admirable, and they are clearly stated – they want young people to get involved in the effort to eradicate poverty. It is just the execution of these ideals that leaves much to be desired. The potential competitors for Oaktree are Oxfam and World Vision Australia, both of which have their act together more than Oaktree does. Oxfam has over 40,000 Facebook followers if you combine Oxfam UK with Oxfam USA. Their website is much more user friendly as well. It is easy to navigate, the pages do not take forever to load, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Brand Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brand Building - Essay Example Brand image is developed with time through strategies such as promotional campaigns and maintaining a consistent theme such as superior quality (Kotler & Keller, 2005). Conversely, brand image can only be authenticated by customers’ direct experiences. Therefore, proper segmentation, positioning and targeting are imperative to ensure that customers appreciate the company’s brand image. The purpose of this paper is to consider the renowned Samsung brand, discussing various strategies through which the company develops and maintains its position in the market. Part 1 The Samsung brand is one of the most renowned international brands. The Samsung brand encompasses a number of subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, which operate under the Samsung Group, a South Korean conglomerate headquartered in Seoul’s Samsung Town. Steve, who is a close friend, is an extremely loyal customer of the Samsung brand (Kotler & Keller, 2005). From his cell phone to his television and other technological devices, Steve only trusts the Samsung brand. According to Steve, his loyalty to the Samsung brand can be attributed to the company’s robust brand building activities. Steve argues that Samsung’s frequency programs and brand image building activities sustain his loyalty to the brand. ... Steve gave an instance of when his Samsung Galaxy Tablet experienced audio difficulties and upon taking it to a Samsung service centre, the problem was fixed almost instantly at no cost. Therefore, Samsung maintains and reinforces its positive brand image, thus maintaining the loyalty of customers such as Steve. Trust plays a pivotal role in enhancing attitudinal and behavioural loyalty to the Samsung brand (Clottey, Collier & Stodnick, 2008). Since Steve trusts Samsung products, as well as the brand’s positive image, he believes that Samsung’s competitive brands such as Toshiba, Sony and Nokia are relatively unreliable, particularly with regard to the quality of their products, as well as after sales services such as servicing, repair and maintenance. Steve also believes that certain competitive brands are targeted at specific markets such as Asian markets in the case of Toshiba products. Based on Steve’s assertions, it is clear that Samsung’s brand equit y is extremely strong, thus the Samsung brand is one of the company’s most valuable assets, which consequently enhances the financial value of the company (Jensen & Hansen, 2006). Elements of the Samsung brand that speak to its extensive brand equity include customer recognition of visual elements such the Samsung logo, as well as recognition of the brand’s values such as quality. The brand has, therefore, been able to position itself positively in the customer’s mind. The superior quality of Samsung products and the effectiveness of its frequency products make the brand preferable to customers within the target market. Part 2 According to Kotler & Keller (2005) segmentation entails dividing the market into small groups or

Distinctive HR Policies and Practices Research Paper

Distinctive HR Policies and Practices - Research Paper Example The research paper "Distinctive HR Policies and Practices" talks about such distinctive HR policies and practices as compensation and benefits, training, organizational culture, flexibility in the scheduling and methods for attracting and retaining employees by the example of company Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic developed slowly with the help of the medical practice of a pioneer doctor known as Dr. William Worrall Mayo. Over time, the demand for the medical services increased and other doctors and science researchers were asked to join the world’s first private integrated group practice. Doctors and students came from around the world to learn new techniques from the Mayo Doctors, and patients came from around the world for diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clinic consists of over 55,000 doctors, nurses, scientists, students, and allied health staff at Mayo Clinic locations in the Midwest, Arizona, and Florida. Their mission is to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. The health benefits provided by Mayo Clinic can be said to be unique as they are tailored towards preventive rather than curative direction. These health benefits cover both full-time and part-time employees and residents who are in the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education. This health benefit plan according to the CNN rating is not 100% as it is a non-profit organization with only an annual $3 billion, but it covers the children. (who are under 3 years of age). Among the offered health benefits covers includes a fitness center that is onsite and a gym membership both at a subsidized cost. It has outpatient health services (which are provided b y their medical specialists within their clinics which assist in cutting their expenditure on insurance services). There are also

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Was the conquest of Spanish America an ambivalent conquest Essay

Was the conquest of Spanish America an ambivalent conquest - Essay Example According to the research findings colonization and conquest are not events but processes that affect the victims and the conquerors . To measure the degree of the change in the victims and the conquerors, it is crucial for one to understand the culture of the conquered society. The Mayan and the Spanish societies underwent a hard period during the colonization process. In this view, the essay develops a clear and concise argument in answering the question â€Å"Was the conquest of Spanish American an ambivalent conquest?† This essay analyzes the main controversy that surrounds the Spanish presence in Yucatan. The main focus of this research paper is to the attention of the initial the eventual success and the initial attempts of the Spaniards when they attempted to solidify themselves with the Yucatan Peninsula . The author points out that the victory of the Maya community was short-lived. The Spanish community also had to live a different life because of the new Spanish masters. The individuals in the community had to utilize the available resources as a result of the lack of labor, the unsuitable grazing land, and the poor agriculture. There was also the collapse of the encomia system. Overall, despite the difficulties related to a lack of historical sources, this essay attempts to sort out truth from fiction in the "confessions" wrung out of the Maya by the Spanish Inquisitors.

Good Will Hunting and Cognitive Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Good Will Hunting and Cognitive Therapy - Essay Example This avoidance again reinforces his negative thinking and strengthens his fears, and eventually the fear becomes a permanent part of his thoughts, emotions and behavior which increases his social and personal problems (Wright, Basco & Thae, 2006, p.4). The movie ‘Good Will Hunting’ is about a young man, who, because of his painful and lonely past, refuses to face the fears which are buried deep inside him, and how a psychology professor, Sean, helps him to deal with his fears by revealing his fears which are hidden under the mask of confident personality. 1) Professor Sean takes Will to a park and talks about Will’s behavior pattern. He says that by portraying a confident, knowledgeable and strong personality, he stops others from looking deep into the ‘real’ person. He tells Will that his lonely life and painful past affects him and the inferior complex that he has about his personal life keeps him from making new friends. Sean says that the fear of new life and social challenges has kept him from going out of Boston. However, to hide this fear and inferior complex, he uses his intellectual abilities to impress people and tries to show as if he does not think that people are capable of understanding him. 2) In one of the sessions, Will tells Sean that he is dating a girl. When asked if he called her again, Will tells Sean that he is in no hurry as he thinks that she is interesting as long he does not get close to her. He assumes that she might not be as smart as he is and hence, does not want to get disappointed by knowing her. However, Sean makes Will realize

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Was the conquest of Spanish America an ambivalent conquest Essay

Was the conquest of Spanish America an ambivalent conquest - Essay Example According to the research findings colonization and conquest are not events but processes that affect the victims and the conquerors . To measure the degree of the change in the victims and the conquerors, it is crucial for one to understand the culture of the conquered society. The Mayan and the Spanish societies underwent a hard period during the colonization process. In this view, the essay develops a clear and concise argument in answering the question â€Å"Was the conquest of Spanish American an ambivalent conquest?† This essay analyzes the main controversy that surrounds the Spanish presence in Yucatan. The main focus of this research paper is to the attention of the initial the eventual success and the initial attempts of the Spaniards when they attempted to solidify themselves with the Yucatan Peninsula . The author points out that the victory of the Maya community was short-lived. The Spanish community also had to live a different life because of the new Spanish masters. The individuals in the community had to utilize the available resources as a result of the lack of labor, the unsuitable grazing land, and the poor agriculture. There was also the collapse of the encomia system. Overall, despite the difficulties related to a lack of historical sources, this essay attempts to sort out truth from fiction in the "confessions" wrung out of the Maya by the Spanish Inquisitors.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Demographics of Democrats vs. Republicans Research Paper

Demographics of Democrats vs. Republicans - Research Paper Example However, now that we are a month away from the presidential elections November 6th and the political arena seems to be on fire as Obama and Romney try to garner votes for their campaigns especially after their debate the last week, this made me curious and made me decide to conduct a research on the demographics of Democrats and Republicans. I know it’s not that important to many of us, but have you ever wondered which party has the highest number of highly educated members? Which is the dominant religion in the Senate? Or which party has the highest number of military men in the house? The tectonic plates of the American politics are shifting, and the demographic forces are reshaping the electorate and the major political parties. I have done some research on these parties and compiled the population characteristics of the 1) wealth (economic status), 2) education and intellect, 3) religion. A large number of Americans consider the Republican Party to be the party of the rich (Osterman, 28). Surprisingly the majority of the banks in America are in support of Romney based on their generous contributions to the Republicans. The investment bank is on the forefront having contributed $637,000, and JP Chase Bank, JP Morgan and Bank of America follow closely and as we all know banks are the hearts of our economic system. On the other hand, Democrats are supported by companies led by Microsoft, which has donated $419,000 for the elections campaign than Google and Harvard University. The wealthiest Americans are Republicans while the largest number of poor and middle-class Americans favors Democrats. Republicans are economically conservative, and their policies seem to favor the rich people and institutions such as the Wall Street (Levine, 27). The ideological centers of gravity towards the finance industry between the two parties are the causes of the wealth alignment.  

Desdemona as a Victim in the Tragedy of Othello Essay Example for Free

Desdemona as a Victim in the Tragedy of Othello Essay Desdemona as a victim in The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is widely known for his famous plays, sonnets, and other works including the tragedy. In The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice, many characters are unjustly victimized. Throughout the play, Othello’s wife, Desdemona, is a victim of many false statements that lead to her ultimate death. In the beginning, Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, believes that Desdemona is a victim under a spell of the Moor Othello. As the play progresses, Othello, who is overcome with jealousy, falsely accuses Desdemona of having an affair with his lieutenant and best friend, Michael Cassio. After acquiring â€Å"proof† that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair, Othello becomes so enraged to the point that he kills Desdemona. In conclusion, it is pretty obvious that Desdemona is unjustly victimized. In the beginning of the play, Brabantio believes that his daughter, Desdemona, is a victim under a spell of the Moor Othello. Because of this Desdemona has betrayed her father and she is said to be dead to him. Ay, to me. She is abus’d, stol’n from me, and corrupted  By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks; For nature so preposterously to err, Being not deficient, blind, or lame of sense, Sans witchcraft could not. (Oth. 1. 3. 59-64) In this quote, Brabantio tells the Senators that Desdemona is dead to him because she married Othello. He is sure that Desdemona is either being tricked or drugged because there is no way she would make the mistake of not only marrying behind his back, but also marrying a black man. Shawn Smith states that from the moment Brabantio learned of his daughter’s marriage, he was not happy with Othello, accusing him of witchcraft. [Desdemona’s suffering] initially appears in Othello in a formal legal setting when, in the first act, Brabantio initiates a suit against his new son-in-law, accusing him of improperly obtaining the love of Desdemona† (13). During this suit, Brabantio discovers that Desdemona intended to marry Othello and that she was not under a spell; because of this, he disowns his own daughter. She is considered a victim in this situation not only because her father disowns her, but because she was falsely accused of being under a pell her husband created. As the play progresses, the dishonest Iago tells Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with his best friend, Michael Cassio. At first Othello does not believe Iago, but after acquiring â€Å"proof,† he falsely accuses Desdemona of not being faithful. â€Å" . . . She’s gone, I am abus’d, and my relief/ Must be to loathe her† (Oth. 3. 3. 269-270). Because he thinks his wife is cheating on him, Othello believes that his only solution is to hate Desdemona, even though it will tear him apart. Desdemona is a victim in this scenario because she is being falsely accused of cheating on her husband. She can also be considered a victim because of words that she chooses throughout this act. After Othello fires Cassio from his position as lieutenant for being drunk and disorderly on the job, Desdemona promises that she will make sure Othello forgives and forgets. â€Å"He [Othello] now believes that Cassio has despoiled Desdemona, and for that he seeks the cuckolds vengeance. No longer the doubtful, frustrated falconer, he has become the convinced, determined avenger† (Carson 193). Othello is one hundred percent convinced that Desdemona is being unfaithful and he makes a rash decision to no longer be a trustworthy, loving husband, but rather a mean and vengeful man. Because she is stubborn with her words and actions, Othello mistakes her to be in love with Cassio. This does not work out for Desdemona in the end. Othello becomes so enraged and jealous at Cassio and Desdemona that he believes the only solution is to have Cassio killed and kill Desdemona himself. After â€Å"hearing† Cassio being murdered, he makes his way back to Desdemona’s chamber where he plans to strangle her in her sleep. Desdemona wakes up and after asking if she has said her prayers, Othello informs her of his plan. â€Å"Sweet soul, take heed,/ Take heed of perjury; thou art on thy death-bed† (Oth. 5. 2. 51-52). While he is in the act of killing her, Emilia, Desdemona’s attendant and friend, shows up. He lets her into the room and after she discovers the body of her mistress, she questions Othello as to who has murdered Desdemona. Othello replies, â€Å" . . . ‘Twas I that kill’d her† (Oth. 5. 2. 131). Shawn Smith paints a sad picture with his description of the reactions of playgoers and actors of Desdemona’s death. When Othello murders her, the horrible injustice of the act causes both the characters on the stage and playgoers, such as Henry Jackson, to be moved to pity her unmerited suffering† (7). Anyone who reads or watches the play will be moved with such an enormous amount of pity that they can’t help but see Desdemona as a victim under her horrifying husband, Othello. Desdemona can clearly be seen as a victim at the end of the play, not only because of all the false accusations made against her, but because of her murder. Throughout the play, Desdemona is a victim in many situations that lead to her ultimate death. Her father, Brabantio, believes that she is under the spell of Othello and after finding out that she willingly married him, he disowns her. Her own husband is overcome with jealousy made by false accusations and believes that she is cheating on him with his best friend. His jealousy and anger get so out of hand that Othello murders Desdemona in the end, not only because of the rumor, but because of her own words. If Desdemona had not been murdered, she would not be seen as a great victim. Her murder and the events leading up to it show that she is unjustly victimized throughout the entire play.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing Analysis for Indian Restaurant

Marketing Analysis for Indian Restaurant Aim and vision The main aim is to provide customers with authentic Indian food laced with the captivating taste and nutritional values of traditional Indian herbs and spices served in a traditional Indian (Punjabi) sitting to give the complete feel of incredible India, at the prices which dont make people think twice. The target customers are large number of Indian student and families in the area with the aim of taking locals into our food by capitalizing on the growing popularity of traditional Indian food. The main focus of our mission statement is to satisfy our customer by offering traditional Indian food and also provide quality service in the form quick home delivery service. Being a high class community, most of the people in Hatfield are working in offices from 9 to 5. In order to attract these customers we will provide competitive prices to attract customers from competitors. Introduction We will start food business with the name of DELI-SIOUS which will be traditional foods. For the location of our business we are choosing Hatfield which is one of the City of Hertfordshire County. We chose this business because according restaurant guide there was an opportunity available for Indian traditional food restaurant in the region of Hatfield. To gain this opportunity I made a marketing plan for investors to cash this opportunity. (Restaurant guide) In the preparation of this report both primary and secondary data is involved. Primary data was collected from local people of the Hatfield by using questionnaires and interviews. While secondary data were collected from Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and also related books, journals, websites regarding marketing. To analyse the external and internal environment we used Swot analysis as a tool to know about the market. I have also research related sources regarding my marketing plan such as trip advisor, restaurant guide and mintel international group Ltd. Financial overview We have a small business loan of  £50,000 provided by two business partners, which have to be paid back in instatements in coming three years. In first year of our business we dont have to pay any installments and after first year we have to pay installments on the interest rate of 5.6%. There are three profitable opportunities available in the region of Hertfordshire country, which are: Opening a retail premises Starting a landscape gardening business Launching a virtual office support service From the above opportunities we have chose restaurant business, according restaurant guide there is an opportunity available in Hatfield for Indian food. The allocation of resources will be discussed in the action plan. In the first year of our business which is 2010, our expected profits will  £5000 and in 2011 we will expect more then  £7000 because of increasing sale by 40% in 2011. We further aim that our expected profit in 2012 will be more then  £10,000 because of increasing sale by 40%. To achieve these profits we will capture the market with the help of differentiation strategy. Our expected sales in 2010 will be  £30,000, we will increase our sales in 2011 by 40% our expected sales will be more 42,000. We further looking to increase our sales in 2012 by 40%, as a result our expected sales in 2012 will be  £59,000. We have an objective to capture 15% market share by the end of Dec 2015. Market overview Hatfield is located in the County of Herefordshire originally Bishops Hatfield, is in the Welwyn Hatfield district of Hertfordshire, in the south of England. Hatfield is 20miles (32km) to the north of London and separated from the city by the Green Belt. The town has excellent transport links with the nearest airport at Luton only 14miles (23km) away and Stansted airport also within easy reach. Most nearest cities are St.Albans, Luton, Hemelhempstead and Welwyn Garden city. We can target the people of nearest cities such as Luton, St.Albans and Hemelhempstead because people from these cities have a job in Hatfield. Our high target customers will be students and staff of Hertfordshire University. ( In Hatfield there are 17 restaurants are working but they are not offering Indian traditional food, in order to cash this opportunity I have a marketing plan for investors to invest in this restaurant. As for people living standard is concern in Hatfield, majority people belongs to middle and high class having income per year from  £25,000 to  £40,000. (Restaurant guide) According Hertfordshire county council in 2001 census the population of Hatfield has expanded over 28,000 and still growing. Due to high competition in the market challenges can be faced in the market. Competitors created barriers for new entrants but we can enter in the market with the help innovative ideas and competitive prices. (Hertfordshire County Council) Market Research According to McDonald (2007:366) Market Research is a logical, objective collection and analysis of data about a particular target market, environment and also competition, It always incorporates some form of data collection and could be secondary research or primary research which is directly collected from a respondent. It can be classified either as external or internal. The main purpose of the market research project is to achieve an increased understanding of the subject matter. In the preparation of this report both primary and secondary research has been conducted to collect the data. Market research enables the business to know about the challenges, barriers and need of the target customers in the market. Market segmentation Kotler (1997) states that market segmentation is the classification of portions of the market that is different from one another. Due to segmentation firms will be able to satisfy the need of the target customers We will segment the market into different parts, such students, young couple, and local community people. We will provide special offers to the students on Tuesday in order to attract them. Mostly students and young couples like spicy food we will offer spicy food to them. We will also offer coffee and tea to target the people working in offices and also entertain them with a soft music. Market segmentation of DELI-SIOUS Restaurant Market segmentation of DELI-SIOUS can be vegetarian, non-vegetarian and target market of DELI-SIOUS will be students and staff of Hertfordshire University, young couples and local community of Hatfield. Some cities like St.Albans and Hemelhempstead and Welyn Garden city are near to Hatfield so we can also target these cities as well. To attract Indian community customers we will offer vegetarian food (for Menu see Appendix). We will target local community of Hatfield by offering Chilies food because they prefer these foods, To target students we will offer special discounts on Tuesday, to target families we will offer free kids food. SWOT analysis In order to achieve goals and objectives and overcome problems, practitioners suggest strategic tools in the form of porters forces and swot analysis. According to Alison (2004) SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps in identifying external factors (i.e. opportunities and threats) for, and internal factors (i.e. strengths and weaknesses) that need to be considered for determining where a business should be going in the future and how to you overcome upcoming threats . On other hand David (2007) argues that Swot analysis indicating the smart objectives by analysing both internal and external factors in the business environment. SWOT analysis for DELI-SIOUS: Strengths: The location we will select is very attractive because its near to St.Albans and most people are coming from St.Albans to Hatfield. Opportunity available in the Hatfield town for traditional food, only few restaurants are offering traditional food. We have highly qualified and experienced staff to satisfy the need of the target customer by offering quality food and service. We will offer reasonable prices to attract customers from competitors, moreover price catering to every section of society. ( Weaknesses: We have some weaknesses such as we will be new in the market and to overcome this weakness we will focus on the promotions and also by using networking. We will be restricted to resources but we looking to get loan from bank by the end of Dec 2010. Opportunities: Open chain of restaurants To make restaurant a multi cuisine to expand customer. By offering traditional food we can easily attract customers from our competitors. Threats: High competition in the market, which can be a threat for our restaurant and also some barriers created by competitors for new entrants. But we can overcome this threat with the help of innovative food such as traditional Indian food. Recession can also be a threat for our restaurant, to overcome this threat we will offer reasonable prices as compare to our competitors. Gap analysis for DELI-SIOUS Restaurant In 2010 our expected sales will be  £30,000 and we plan to increase by 25% by 2011, which means our sales in 2011 will be  £42,000. We further aims that we also increase our sales by 25% by 2012, which means our expected sales in 2011 will be  £59000. From the above graph it is quite clear that between 2010 and 2012 we have a gap of  £29,000. In order to overcome this gap, we need to adopt marketing strategies in the form of penetration strategy and differentiation strategy. By adopting penetration strategy we will penetrate in the market with the help of an effective advertisement and also by offering quality traditional Indian food to our target customers. After penetration in the market we will adopt differentiation strategy to differentiate our business from competitors by offering competitive services and prices. By adopting these strategies we can create a competitive advantage in the market. In our restaurant we will have 25 seating capacity, to reach 2010 target sales we expect 40 to 55 customer per day. In 2011 we expect 55 to 80 customers each day and in 2012 we will further expect 80 to 110 customers each day. Smart objectives According to Croft (1994) objectives play a vital role in the making the marketing plan successful. He further suggest strategic tools in the form of Swot analysis, Porters five forces and Pest analysis as an environmental analysis which have to be conducted to control overall marketing plan. By clarifying the task employees will be motivated to reach the given targets and as a result overall performance of the organisation can be improved. These objectives should be smart, measureable, specific, realistic achievable and timed. Smart objectives for DELI-SIOUS Restaurant Survival Objectives: The most significant objective of our business will be to penetrate into the restaurant market as well to promote our restaurant in Hatfield with the help of efficient advertisement by offering traditional Indian food and excellent customer service to our target customers. After penetration we need to focus on increasing the sales and market share. Profitability objectives: our profitability objective is to reach 15% return on capital employed by Dec 2012 because we have a loan of  £50,000 provided by business investors; we need to pay installments after one year. Promotion objectives: To increase awareness of the restaurant in the market with the help of networking and effective advertisements. Market share objectives: we have an objective to increase our market share by 15% by the end of Dec 2015. Sales objectives: We aims to increase our sales by 40% by end of Dec 2011 and we will further increase it 40% by end of Dec 2012. In 2009 our focal point will be the survival and penetration in the market by adopting penetration strategy. Strategy to achieve objectives To reach the given objective 1st we need to adopt Penetration strategy to achieve our most vital objective which can be survival objectives. Which can be possible by adopting penetration strategy and to make this strategy successful we will focus on the advertisement such as advertising restaurant in the local newspaper, distribution of leaflet in the local community and most important to use social and business networking. By using this strategy we will promote our business in the target market to attract the target customers. We will offer reasonable prices as compare to our competitors as a result our restaurant will be differentiated from competitors. After penetration in the market we will focus on achieving sales and market share objectives by increasing the sales and market share. We can achieve these objectives by adopting Differentiation strategy. By using this strategy we will differentiate our restaurant from competitors by offering traditional Indian food with Indian them e to our target customers and excellent customer services. Marketing Mix for DELI-SIOUS Restaurant Product: Projected Meal 1: Vegetarian Mixed Platter According to our mission statement we will more focus on the traditional Indian food such as herbs and spices. With the help of traditional food we can easily attract customer to creative a competitive position in the market Confirming to health standards. Free and quick home delivery service. Price Proposed price for Meal1:  £15.95 Currently due to recession customers demand for discounts from restaurant, by offering reasonable prices we can meet their demands. Special price offers for students on Tuesday. Special price offers on advance table booking. Place Proposed location: Hatfield e will make our restaurant more attractive with the help of an effective furnishing. In our restaurants customers will feel a theme of India by enjoying the Indian traditional food. We have 50 seating capacity, we plan to increase in 2011. Promotion We will promote our restaurants with the flyers, leaflets and advertising in the local newspapers. We will offer special deals to students of university as a tool of promotion. We will use our networking to promote our restaurants in the local people by arranging event in the local community. Resources Allocation Loan provided by the investors is  £50,000 for the coming three years with a rate of 5.6%. In order to utilise this capital in a best possible way we will use  £13,000 on the hiring the building and  £9,000 will be used for the building refurnishing. While  £24,000 will be use as working capital and 8% of the budget will served on the promotions of the restaurant which is  £4000. Total salary of the employees will be  £6,800 per month which can be subtracted from working capital. For details see appendix. Monitoring All the operations such as advertising, finance, raw material, of our business will be supervised by manager. All the subordinate are responsible to report to the manager on daily basis and manager is responsible to report to the business owners. Purchasing of inventory will be done on a weekly basis to minimise the warehouse cost. Risk and Contingency plan and strategy Currently one of the high risks to our business is the recession many businesses are falling down and unemployment has increasing rapidly in the UK. In Hatfield there is high competition in the market between rivals and creating barriers for entrants in the market. One more risk to our business is the substitute products such as University restaurants and forum. (Financial times) In order to overcome the above risks to our business we have a contingency plan and strategies. To overcome the recession risk we will offer discounts to our target customers. To overcome the second risk to our business we will adopt cost leadership strategy by reducing the cost we will be able to compete with our competitors. To overcome the risk regarding university restaurants forum we will offer special deals to the students in order to attract them. References Croft, M. J.(1994) Market segmentation. 2nd edition. Published by Routledge. David F R. (2007) Strategic management concepts and cases (12th edition), Pearson international edition. De Wit, B Meyer, R (2004) Strategy Synthesis (Resolving Strategy Paradoxes to Create Competitive Advantage), (3rd edition)Thomson Business Press Jobber, D. (2004) Principles and practice of marketing, 4th edition. Berkshire: McGraw Hill. Luther, W. M. (2001) The marketing plan. 3rd edition. Library of congress cataloging. McDonald, M. (2007) Marketing Plans, 6th edition. Oxford: Elsevier. Restaurant guide available online at [] {Date accessed 8th Dec 2009} Stanley, P. (1993) International marketing. 2nd Edition. Chartered Institute of Marketing. Rieple, A. (2001) The strategic management of organisations, Prentice Hall Route planner available at [] {Date accessed: 2nd Dec 2009} Trip Advisor, Visiting Hatfield, [Online], and {Date accessed: 7th Dec 2009} Up My Street, Neighbours in Hertford, [Online], Available: {Date accessed: 5th Dec 2009}

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Antigone Essays: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely :: Antigone essays

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely in Antigone "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," said Lord Acton generations ago. In the Greek tragedy Antigone, written by Sophocles, there was a character named Kreon, the antagonist, who was the king of Thebes. Thebes was an autocratic state where Kreon had absolute power. Throughout the course of the play, Kreon abused his privilege of absolute power; and this caused him to suffer greatly, even though he was warned by a few people of his bad deeds. What Sophocles commented on absolute power was that one should not abuse it. If it was abused, he or she had to expect bad consequences. This was indicated by what happened to Kreon when he abused his power. Kreon settled a decree that prohibited anyone from burying Polyneices' dead body. He was proud of his decree, and he also stated that he would be a good king by listening to what people said regarding his decisions. When the decree was broken by Antigone, Kreon sentenced her to death. This angered the gods because they wanted the dead body of Polyneices buried, and they did not want a live body (that of Antigone) buried in a cave. Kreon was told by Haimon to change his mind, but Kreon rejected his request and went ahead and buried Antigone alive. Teiresias warned Kreon that the gods were angry and his actions were to be blamed. Kreon rejected both Haimon's request and Teiresias' warning, and as a result, he suffered in the end. In the beginning of the play, Antigone and Ismene were found arguing about whether Polyneices' body should be buried. Antigone wanted to bury her brother's body, but Ismene objected because she said that they should not disobey Kreon, who had absolute power a nd had prohibited Polyneices' burial (26-80). Ismene indicated that the citizens of Thebes did not dare to go against what Kreon decreed. They all knew that if they objected to Kreon, punishment would be the result. In the play, Kreon was first found addressing the senate as to how a ruler should rule his state. He said in his long speech, "'I believe that he who rules in a state and fails to embrace the best men's counsels, but stays locked in silence and vague fear, is the worst man there. I have long believed so'" (217-221). To impress the senate Kreon told them that he would listen to any advice they gave him because that was what a good ruler should do.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Theatre in the Community Essay examples -- Drama

Theatre in the Community Britain in 1979 was a place of great change and division. Although the country had united in the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first Conservative woman Prime minister by the early 1980’s one could say that the country was spiralling into a state of decline. This was largely due to the disarray of the previous Labour government and the implementation of the Conservative government’s robust style of economic management. All spheres of social and cultural life were to be judged on their economic terms and values. This is particularly true within the Arts. In ‘Politics of Performance’ Baz Kershaw describes how, â€Å"Private enterprise was to replace public dependency, so cuts in government, expenditure, including that on the arts, were inevitable.† This stems back largely to the ideological principals of conservatism. Conservatism believes in the self reliant role of the individual. It strongly allows for the expansion of public enterprise and thus frowns upon state intervention and avoids assistance towards public dependency. Therefore, where it was seen that some areas of public life, such as the arts, were â€Å"financially draining†, cuts were made where necessary to ensure that funds were spent more wisely, largely towards benefiting enterprise. A culmination of activities throughout the 1980’s meant that the arts were one of the key areas of public life that were disregarded in favour of prioritised events. This is effectively where the arts began to suffer. Although some mainstream theatre was funded by the GLC (Greater London Council), many alternative theatre groups were seen as unnecessary and as they often highlighted social issues, such as homosexuality, that were seen as taboo, they were generally avoided when it came to the distribution of funding. This can clearly be seen in Kershaw’s, ‘Politics of Performance’, where Kershaw states, â€Å"The divisions in British society were also reflected in the growing distance between the top and bottom of the theatrical pyramid during the 1980’s. In 1982 the Royal Shakespeare Company had moved into the huge concrete edifice of the Barbican in the City of London. The following year, a government- ordered investigation into the RSC (the Pristley report) concluded that counter to government suspicions- the company was efficient but under funded to the ... ...iece was heavily influenced by the needs of a local disability group. Community theatres range in size from small groups led by single individuals performing in borrowed spaces, to large year round companies with elaborate well equipped theatres of their own. Many community theatres are successful non-profit businesses with a large active membership and, in some cases, a full time professional staff. As the performers and other artists are also involved in other aspects of their community, non-professional theatre can develop a broad base of support and attendance among those who might not normally support the professional arts. Community theatre is in fact well documented as being the most widely attended venue for theatre in America and Australia. Community theatre is often seen as adding to the social capital of a community, in that it develops skills and community spirit for those involved. Furthermore, it can also create a place for debate, self-expression and interactivity that is important for the health of a community. When this can involve people with learning disabilities, for example, it can disarm prejudices that people encounter on a daily basis. Theatre in the Community Essay examples -- Drama Theatre in the Community Britain in 1979 was a place of great change and division. Although the country had united in the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first Conservative woman Prime minister by the early 1980’s one could say that the country was spiralling into a state of decline. This was largely due to the disarray of the previous Labour government and the implementation of the Conservative government’s robust style of economic management. All spheres of social and cultural life were to be judged on their economic terms and values. This is particularly true within the Arts. In ‘Politics of Performance’ Baz Kershaw describes how, â€Å"Private enterprise was to replace public dependency, so cuts in government, expenditure, including that on the arts, were inevitable.† This stems back largely to the ideological principals of conservatism. Conservatism believes in the self reliant role of the individual. It strongly allows for the expansion of public enterprise and thus frowns upon state intervention and avoids assistance towards public dependency. Therefore, where it was seen that some areas of public life, such as the arts, were â€Å"financially draining†, cuts were made where necessary to ensure that funds were spent more wisely, largely towards benefiting enterprise. A culmination of activities throughout the 1980’s meant that the arts were one of the key areas of public life that were disregarded in favour of prioritised events. This is effectively where the arts began to suffer. Although some mainstream theatre was funded by the GLC (Greater London Council), many alternative theatre groups were seen as unnecessary and as they often highlighted social issues, such as homosexuality, that were seen as taboo, they were generally avoided when it came to the distribution of funding. This can clearly be seen in Kershaw’s, ‘Politics of Performance’, where Kershaw states, â€Å"The divisions in British society were also reflected in the growing distance between the top and bottom of the theatrical pyramid during the 1980’s. In 1982 the Royal Shakespeare Company had moved into the huge concrete edifice of the Barbican in the City of London. The following year, a government- ordered investigation into the RSC (the Pristley report) concluded that counter to government suspicions- the company was efficient but under funded to the ... ...iece was heavily influenced by the needs of a local disability group. Community theatres range in size from small groups led by single individuals performing in borrowed spaces, to large year round companies with elaborate well equipped theatres of their own. Many community theatres are successful non-profit businesses with a large active membership and, in some cases, a full time professional staff. As the performers and other artists are also involved in other aspects of their community, non-professional theatre can develop a broad base of support and attendance among those who might not normally support the professional arts. Community theatre is in fact well documented as being the most widely attended venue for theatre in America and Australia. Community theatre is often seen as adding to the social capital of a community, in that it develops skills and community spirit for those involved. Furthermore, it can also create a place for debate, self-expression and interactivity that is important for the health of a community. When this can involve people with learning disabilities, for example, it can disarm prejudices that people encounter on a daily basis.

Friday, October 11, 2019

An Appreciation of a Dill Pickle

Sometimes I will think that if a loving pair, who have been apart for many years, meet again, what will happen? Will they hug tightly, crying, or will they pour out things happened these years to each other? In this article, I find the answer. After they reunited, they only recollected and sighed with emotion. I think the title has implied everything: the taste of the dill pickle is acerb and it stands for that the love between Vera and her past love is also acerb; they are destined not to live together; meanwhile, it symbolizes Vera’s feeling about their love: acerb rather that sweet.Many details in the article are meaningful, especially the body language. The moment Vera met the man, â€Å"she raised her veil and unbuttoned her high fur collar†. It explains that she unloaded her defense, wanting to chat with him. However, during their conversation, she found that after six years’ suffering, the indecision on him had faded out and he had been a person who deeply knew the rule of society.Vera felt that they had nothing in common with each other and she didn’t like listening to his showing off, so â€Å"she buttoned her collar again and drawn down her veil† , coming back to the appearance as she turned up because the man was not deserved to believe any more. Besides,the man’s action as â€Å"snapped the cigarette case† also indicated that the love between them should be stored in the case and become the past.Vera had ever doubt that if it was right to abandon their love because sometimes she would still beat her heart for him. However, at last, she went away, leaving in a hurry and making people puzzled. She let everything go to start a new life. I think she would never regret. The dill pickle is forever a side dish rather than an entree, so is Vera. Maybe Vera could accompany him temporarily, but she could not keep him company all the time.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Explorers of the Renaissance

Bartholomew Dais, the explorer for Portugal, planned to head an expedition in search of a sea route to India. Though, at the end of his voyage he only became the first sail to the tip of Africa. This, landing has only created a new name for the Cabot ads Galahs and the cape Cabot ads Torments for his country. Dais had a voyage that inspired explorers to try a faster or better route to travel, which lead to the discoveries of newer lands;also, this voyage helped encourage inventors and scientists to invent effective techniques and new technology that could help future expeditions.Magellan studied very famous explorers for many years in Portugal. He planed to find a route to the Spice Islands by sailing west and around the world. Ferdinand Magellan, an explorer of Spain, has amazed us with his courage by venturing through the chaotic and the untouched world. Through his voyage Magellan provided the first positive proof that the world was round, thus opening trade routes to explorers al l over the world. Ferdinand Magellan is recognized as the first person to circumnavigate the world.His discovery of this route had the effects in many ways; for example, the religion of Christianity has also traveled along his Journeys, and also his geographical finding has made the current map more accurate then it originally was. Jacques Carrier sailed in the name of France. Carrier searched to find a Northwest Passage to India and the Spice Islands and also looking for new places to trade. In the end Carrier was the first to sail up the SST. Lawrence River and Canada. Canada was claimed as a piece of France; furthermore, this opened up for trade with the natives.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Literature of the african diaspora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literature of the african diaspora - Essay Example The story is narrated in the form of dialogues between the husband Ocol and his wife Lawino. The poem is categorized in different sections. Each section offers details of the social problem faced by the husband and wife, in the marriage hood along with their values and differences. Whereas the novel God’s Bits Of Woods by the author offers a strong description of the railway strike. That happened in the year of 1947-1948 in the region of French West Africa. It includes disputes of emotional, political and moral nature. Eventually, this novel by Sembene is one of entitlement. It fetches to illumination the anxiety between Africa community and colonial officials. It also shows the struggle of railway men and the efforts of the African community to set themselves free from the power of colonial authority. The God’s Bit of Woods of Ousmane brings to light the scenario in which these adversities advance the workers with their families till the strike is eventually resolute. Debatably the most momentous conversion that takes place is in the function of women inside these societies. There are problems in all the families of the world. These problems cannot be controlled by an individual. These problems may be related to the issues of health, death, job instability. The place of living or the some closer person can contribute to these problems. In the novel Brother, I’m Dying, which is written by the author Edwidge Danticat all these issues are highlighted. Throughout the novel, the factual time story of Edwidge Danticat is narrated and provides an insight at the efforts done by her family. In this the author has successfully his own experiences of life. The sufferings of her family and their efforts to overcome the issues of being. Beside these issues the family also suffered from the multiple deaths in their home, the major illness of the guardian and uncle. In this story Edwidge is shown struggling in the absence of her parents

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 59

Art - Essay Example Music may communicate either good or bad information that can influence the behavior of people. People act differently depending on the music that they take pleasure; People tend to love the individuals who have the same taste of music they love. Such individuals tend to be friends with one another. On other hands, people with different taste of music may tend to hate one another. For instantly, people with the same taste of music tend to hang out together, while ignoring others, this due to their different opinions. Music plays very vital part in the society; it can be used for various purpose, from general to specific purposes. The use of music may depend on the occasion in the environment. Rock and rap music play very significant role in the world today; they may both send messages with the positive impacts on the kids. They convey messages of real personal life experiences; therefore, kids undergoing the same personal life experience tend to listen to such music. Through listening to such music, they gain hope since they are not the only ones undergoing such problems. Such challenge includes sex, and drug addictions. Music generally may also enhance the acquisitions of new ideas, as the messages expressed in the music may express new information’s from different parts of the world. This enhances the kids’ awareness, and makes them be open-minded people with vast information from various part of the world. They also get exposed to different from different part of the world like the celebrated artists. Among other types of music, majority of people from various part of the world tend to agree that Rap music plays very significant in the world. The information conveyed in most of the rap music’s revolves around drugs and sex. They are the critical topics which many parents do not love their kids to get associated with. Most videos of rap music entail information concerning issue of sex and drug. The research has